System Setup for the Telecommunication Protocols and Network Performance Units

I have tested the software on an Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS system. You can either install your Gnu/Linux operating system directly, or as a guest on a Windows system by using a virtual machine (I use Virtual Box).


If you use a Debian based system like Ubuntu, you can run the following commands directly:

  sudo apt install ipython3
  sudo apt install python3-qtconsole
  sudo apt install python3-matplotlib
  sudo apt install python3-numpy
  sudo apt install python3-scipy
  sudo apt install python-scipy-doc
  sudo apt install python3-sympy
  sudo apt install python-sympy-doc
  sudo apt install python3-simpy3
  sudo apt install python-simpy3-doc
  sudo apt install python3-pandas
  sudo apt install python-pandas-doc
  sudo apt install python3-tables
  sudo apt install python-tables-doc
  sudo apt install python3-scapy
  sudo apt install tcpdump
  sudo apt install tcpstat

SimPy is not required for the Telecommunication Protocols unit, but there is no harm to install it. We may think about some interesting simulation puzzles occasionally.

For Network Performance

For Telecommunication Protocols

  sudo apt install git
  sudo apt install wireshark

Mininet Installation Notes

  1. Set Python 3 as the default Python binary:
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10

  2. Clone Mininet master branch:
    cd ~; git clone git://

  3. Install Mininet. This operation may take a while:
    ~/mininet/util/ -a

  4. Verify installation, expect an output of 0:
    python -c “from mininet.topo import Topo” && echo $?

Install script creates the following directories: ~/mininet, ~/openflow, ~/oflow, ~/oftest and ~/pox. You can delete them after the installation. If you need to reinstall Mininet for some reason, it is best to delete these directories before starting over.

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