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Undergraduate Projects Supervised by Ahmet(2005–2018) |
Lionel Pacheco and Alvin Setyo - Collaborative mapping with multiple cameras
Matthew Lyle Boys - Distributed control of robotic swarms
Craig van Dort - Microcopter tracking and gover Control
AlexBrazel - Virtual localization at IoT lab
Ye “Alan” Feng - OFDM over LiFi
Bryan Alexander Hayes - In air computing
Christopher Esposito - Lab on a board
Rachel Orlowski - Empirical performance comparison of distributed connected dominating set construction algorithms in wireless ad hoc networks
Xiao “Leo” Wang - 360 visual sense board for eBugs
Erwin Wijaya - Cloud infrastructure and Morse Potential Function based decentralized formation control for robot networks
Alastair Young - Locate and track objects with networked mobile robots
Amirhossein Bahmanpour - Software for an expert system for improved medication management
Sherry Yu - Automatic formation selection in mobile multi-robot systems
Vithushan Arivalagan - 3D localization with pulsed infrared light
Joshua Weberuss and Matt Freeman - Raspberry field
Annabelle Ng - Empirical performance comparison of virtual localization algorithms on the WSRNLab packet radio testbed
Benjamin Foo - Empirical analysis of 802.11n for distributed vision applications in mobile robot networks
Tin Pham - Swarm intelligence based congestion control in WSNs
Michelle Ng - BlueTooth piconet performance in automotive environment
Nicholas Lee DAdemo - Real-time control over wireless links
Jordan Guest - 120 Kb/s packet radio system and geographic routing
Cheng Lee Teoh - Wireless mesh network and active RFID system for asset tracking and localization
Alex Senior - Performance comparison of route-over vs mesh-under routing methods in IPv6 based wireless mesh networks (6LoWPAN)
Tony Grubman - Virtual localization and management system for the virtual localization test network.
Tony Grubman - Robust geographic routing in wireless sensor networks
Yung Wong - Wireless mesh network and active RFID system for asset tracking and localization
Adam Ford - Multiagent networks and autonomous formation control
Eugene Lee - Multiagent networks and autonomous formation control
Leon Seng Whye - Moving rigid formation changing the shape as the swarm travels between the obstacles
Samir Ghanem - Empirical performance comparison formation control algorithms
Bayu Effendi - OMNeT++ virtual localization models
David McKechnie - Dancing EBugs
Leo Priestnall - IR localization algorithm implementation and data collection
Olga Trivailo - Avionics Ethernet (AFDX)
Ryan Alexander - Smart metering system for greenhouse conscious home
Aidan Galt - Design of an improved Sens-R CPU board
Adisorn Sirikant - Petri net modeling of input-queued packet switches and simulation in OMNeT++
Loc Huynh - Inference based analysis of detailed TCP traces
Nor Azrina Mohamad - Routing protocols with Monash packet radio network
Muhamad IzamNordin - Routing protocols with Monash packet radio network
Cameron McDonald - Cellular network in a lab
DavidGathercole - Smart metering system for greenhouse conscious home
Daniel Bourke - SurveyS warms: map making with mesh networks of mobile devices
Ofentse Mautle - Performance comparison of WSN routing protocols
Prateek Sharma - Wireless mesh network design for asset localization and tracking
Rory Paltridge - Real-time control over wireless links
Samarth Pawar - Wireless mesh network design for asset localization and tracking
Adrian Toh Sheng Yeow - Mesh network routing with Monash packet radio boards
Warwick Stone - Calibration algorithms for network of smart cameras
Nannerl Easton - Wireless mesh network for RFID based asset tracking and localization
Yang Yu - PSO and congestion control in WSNs
Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Kalbani - Wireless mesh network for RFID based asset tracking and localization
David Silverwood - Cellular network in a lab
Farshad Zarean - PSO and congestion control in WSNs
Francis Chuang - Cellular network in a lab
Prasanga PJ Siripala - Real-time control over wireless links
Sarah Morrison - Infrared localization and ad hoc networks
Will Robertson - Smart metering with Google Smart meter infrastructure
Adam Ford - Formation control
Alex Senior - AMI Network Simulation
Tony Grubman - Control and data collection system for the virtual localization test network.
Cheng Lee Teoh - Wireless mesh network for RFID based asset tracking and localization
Remi di Vita and Morgan Pfister - Packet radio network for mobile robot swarm
SergioPertierre - Event camera based tracking and localization
Christophe Maestle and Alexandre Laine - Laser beacons for a low-cost localization system for a mobile robot swarm
Thibaut Roy - Formation control system for a mobile robot swarm
Felix Juraschek - Interference aware channel assignment algorithms for wireless sensor networks
Samuel Pang - Vibration sensing network
ZoiPetroulias - 6LoWPAN mesh network
YangYu - Packet radio network control and data collection system