My Ancient Class Notes |
I have kept some of my class notes (for 40+ years!) from my
university days at the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Middle East Technical University. I thought that they should not stay
hidden somewhere in my bookshelves and keep gathering dust. Finally found
some time to scan them. Here they are:
Introduction to Linear Control Systems (1980, taught by Erol Kocaoğlan)
Electromagnetics (1980, taught by Altunkan Hızal)
Principles of Analog Electronics (1980, taught by Kemal Merttopçuoğlu)
Introduction to Logic Design (1980, taught by Hasan Güran)
Digital Computing and Symbolic Programming (1980, taught by Doğan Çalıkoğlu/Fazlı Can)
Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering (1981, taught by Osman Sevaioğlu)
Digital Electronics (1982, taught by Bülent Kerim Altay)
Programming Systems (1982, taught by Güney Gönenç)
Microprocessor Systems (1983, taught by Abdullah Atalar)
Microprocessor Interfacing (1984, taught by Abdullah Atalar)
Note that these constitute only a small subset of all the subjects I took. I counted 40 subjects for undergraduate, and 8 for masters on my transcript! Unfortunately there is no trace of others in my archive.
And… Here are my father's notes he prepared for teaching technical drawing (Reşat Şekercioğlu, c1973). He was a teacher at a technical high school (to my Turkish speaking friends: “Yapı Sanat Enstitüsü”). I remember him grading student projects or meticulously drawing things using densely black china ink. I was looking for a location to place my father's teaching notes, after seeing this quote:
“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.” (Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum)
I said to myself: “This page is the place.”